
So here's where we break things down and summarize it all. What are the scariest facts to come out of all of this? (I will continue to update this.)
  • The conflicts can't even be measured, there are so many of them. From Trump holding his businesses rather than divesting himself of them, to him having his kids involved with helping to fill cabinet positions when he intends to have them running his companies, to filling cabinet positions with people who have a desire to dismantle the very departments they will be overseeing and in one case even involved in a lawsuit against the organization they will be heading.
  • Trump still hasn't released his tax records, and this means that we do not even know just how conflicted he is, since we do not know the breadth of his investments, or just how far he reaches.
  • For all of Trump's complaints that Hillary made money doing talks for Goldman Sachs, he has actually selected multiple former Goldman Sachs executives for cabinet positions, including Steven Mnuchin for Secretary of Treasury. 
  • He has his kids (who he says will be running his companies) sitting in on meetings with foreign leaders.
  • Trump has a hotel near the White House, which has left foreign leaders from other countries feeling obligated to stay at it or risk offending him. 
  • He stands to be sued by countless US companies for unfair competition.
  • He didn't only admit, but actually bragged, on tape with Billy Bush about sexually assaulting women.
  • He stands to be sued for sexual harassment or even assault.
  • He doesn't trust his own intelligence offices, believing the CIA and FBI don't know what they're talking about when accusing Putin of being involved in the election hacking in the US.
  • He's said he'd like a Muslim registry. I think people need to relearn history (see Holocaust and Internment of Japanese Americans)
  • He doesn't receive daily intelligence briefings, because he feels (unlike all Presidents preceding him) that he doesn't need them. His excuse is that he's "smart". 
  • He doesn't receive daily intelligence briefings, because he feels (unlike all Presidents preceding him) that he doesn't need them. His excuse is that he's "smart". 
  • He has proposed a trade war, which would likely cause our country to slip into a recession, as we taxed the imports from other countries and they responded likewise. 
  • He looks to deport 3 million immigrants, which will severely impact our agriculture, hospitality and construction industries. There could be a slowdown in production, and this could lead to cost increases to the consumer.

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